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Why am I sitting here typing at 10:55 on Christmas Eve? Because my son left us with a peeing gazelle to watch tonight. Ninja has tried to eliminate him by being fierce. The teenage slave is not watching him and I don't want to. He is a puppy and has peed on at least three floors. After a station break, I have returned. Mack was almost eaten by Maggie. She wants all treats and Mack doesn't have sense enough to back off. I guess he will learn fast. there wasn't any blood this time. Just a lot of squealing and bellowing. <BR>
I am now off to fire up the shampooer. there are at least three spots in here. I really love puppies. I do. Just not here and not right now. And the son who introduced us to this lovely little pee-er is off to play for midnight Christmas services. So we get to spend even more time refereeing. All is quiet. Too quiet. I need to go find out why. <BR>
Santa should be coming soon. <BR>
The very annoyed Southern Illinois girls and one bouncy Mack with the wild hidden kitty boys and a sleepy foodslave<BR>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141665/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>