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We are enjoying some peace this morning. Mac is asleep at my feet. Maggie is by my side and the others are scattered about the room. We are getting along fairly well considering that Mr. Mac has no manners and seems not to remember anything he has just done or been told not to. He got two breakfasts this morning because I didn't know that the boyslave had already fed him and he was trying to know the girls food out of my hands. He still tried to get to their bowls so he was put on a leash and fed in the living room where the boyslave was. His little tummy must be packed right now. <BR>
The cats are still in hiding. They have not come out to eat this morning. And Mac will have that if I am not careful. Marley wants the cat food too but is too lazy to work at it for long. <BR>
Shelby seems really lethargic even for her and I am a little worried. She is eating and going out to do her business but just seems very listless otherwise. She is usually more alert and interested in what is going on around her. She is increasingly having trouble walking up the ramp to get back inside the house. I hope it is nothing more than winter blues or something like that. She is asleep on the pillow in front of the tv right now and seems content. For a 14 year old she does pretty well. Shelby came to us a year ago this week. It is hard to believe that she has been here a year. She has fit in so much better than I expected. I thought four dogs would be way too much but they all fit together and it works. <BR>
Snooters and drool to all in need. <BR>
Ninja, Marley, Maggie, Shelby, the wild hiding kitty boys and Mac the pest with the momslave<BR>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/171222986/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>