Good morning everyone,<br><br>The email that I sent yesterday was a little confusing. I apologize for any confusion that I caused. A Drooler asked me this morning, "<font face="Arial" size="2">Did she lose her mom too as well as
Tessie"? </font><br><br>The answer is yes. My Mom's Mother (My Grandma) passed away on December 16th. On Christmas day, my Mom's Coon Hound mix went to the Bridge. My Mom was so beside herself on Christmas day that she sent me the following email that morning:<br>
<br><div>"I'm afraid we lost Tessie this morning - her seizures were just not
controllable - Tom was up all nite with her.</div>
<div>They told us 13 months ago we might get a year and it's been worth the
ride, but I'm just too sad to talk today."</div><br>I knew Droolers would understand, as I have heard everyone who has lost a hound to the Bridge say something like "I'm just too sad to talk today."<br>
<br>The got Tess from the Denver Dumb Friends League years and years ago. She loved chasing squirrels, and barking "baying" at different things. Poor Tom. I remember that he tried to take Tess to obedience school. He dropped out because she was such an embarrassment to him. One day, Tom had an appointment, and Tess got by him and went down to the end of the street to the park. She got into the water , and the small pond like areas, Tom came home later drenched, and not very happy.<br>
<br>Just shows that a hound is a hound is a hound!<br><br>My Mom and Tom really could use some encouragement. Please send them a card to:<br><div><div style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial;"><font color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"><div>
<br>Tom and Pat Hynes<br></div></font></div></div><span text="8580 E Bellewood Pl
Denver, CO 80237-2906">8580 E Bellewood Pl<br>Denver, CO 80237-2906</span><br><br>Thanks everyone. A new year, and a new decade.<br><br clear="all">Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel<br>3583 Meadowlark Drive<br>Casper, WY<br>82604<br>
<a href=""></a><br>(307) 472-0163<br>