I was actually speaking of Tracking, not field work. My dogs have not done field work, nor do I have plans for them to do so. I know that during AKC type tracking,where the dog follows one scent and is not hunting for food (presumably) my males have been extremely thorough. At every turn, Mitchel would work in 360 degree area even though he clearly indicated immediately where the turn was. He always went back around once to make sure he had it. To me, that's thorough and methodical and rather thoughtful.<br>
<br>I have no idea what the dogs do in Field work. The idea of turning Conley or Nigel loose in a pack of dogs to chase rabbits does not appeal. (Yes I know they don't get the rabbits), but Conley would end up at a Dairy Queen someplace and Nigel would probably corner a skunk.<br>
<br>MomPerson to Conley,Nigel, Llewis and Cooper<br>