<p>I laughed so hard about Gus getting on the bed. My New Years Resolution is to keep my boys off the bed and sleep through the night! <br>
We have had Charley and Connor for about a year now and they truley run the house. Besides homemade treats and organic yogurt on their food they have always slept with us until recently. (My DH thinks I am cruel) but now at bed time I lure them off the bed with yummy treats and after they get off I push the ottoman away from the bed! These boys are so big they can't get on bed without the ottoman. They still wake me up around 5 am for treats and then again at 6 30 to get back on bed for morning snuggles lol.<br>
They each have unique ways of talking...Connor barks and Charley whines and cries and it drives me nuts. Even so I never dreamed I could love dogs like I love them. They are a gift from God! </p>
<p>Ps. Thanks for the great sweet potato tips. You guys are great!</p>
<p>Drool and slurps to every single houndie, human, and other pets too.</p>