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<div style="CLEAR: both">My Harley girl got pancreatitis on a normal diet of dog food and biscuits only. She gets a treat twice per year (usually freshly cooked lamb or turkey giblets) However, her pancreatitis attack happened 8 months after her last "treat" meal. She was originally a rescue after Hurricane Katrina and her diet was most likely whatever her owners did not finish. But I have had her for over 5 years and she has been almost strictly dog food and biscuits. Now, she could have gotten something she wasnt supposed to have....and that happens on rare occasions... but it was nothing we noticed. So I am left to wonder. I feed her natural choice Lite and supplement it with several different biscuit types, and those mixables (wet-food packets) on occasion. She gets nothing from the table normally. I am starting to wonder if something else might be going on with her.</div>
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<div style="CLEAR: both">And please....I did not mean to offend anyone with this....I was just searching for some answers because I dont ever want to see her in that condition again.</div>
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Tom, Slave to Harley, Annabelle, and Calypso (ATB)</div>