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<div> <font size="2"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sandi, <br>
I am SO very glad to hear that your little Opie will survive his intestinal issues secondary to your watchfulness and your vetspital's excellent surgical skills and care. I cannot begin to tell you how hard I laughed when I read about your hubby talking to you as if you were a stranger because you were gowned and gloved from being in surgery. MY Craig (yes, that's my DH's name and we, too, have been married for 42 years!) would have done the exact same thing - for the same reason. <br>
Hugs and drool from the other Sandi and Craig (Scranton) in NJ and Mamaslave to the NJ Four - at least until I can get my act and the paperwork necessary to re-home the boys to Suzanne....sigh.<br>
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