Ok dere sumfin not rite here.<br>Da storee dat Auntie Debbie an Oncul Wayne dey say, it nize but it not da storee we gets from Elwood.<br>Now we luvs Auntie Debbie an she DH (Llewis dat RILLY what he callt? Oh I dint think so.)<br>
See so we rites Brudder Elwood an here whut he say paralyzed......no? paratazed. .....parafazed:<br><br>Brudder Elwood sittin dere mindin he own stuffin, an Mama Debbie she pettin dat Dazee when a huge big bleck harry spyder da size a plate cum driffin down frum da seelink. Brudder E watch in whorer (Llewis WHAT?? Dassa WHAT? oOOPS.) watch in horror dis spidey, fengs dribbin poisin, slllooowwwwwwllly comin down ebber closer ebber neerer to he bloved MomPerson, Debbie.an tekin he life in he paws, he rushes ober an LUNCHES hesself (Llewis whut now? Dis juss gettin to da good part...oh ok.) LAUNCHES heeself at da piesonous beest an SNAPS it up an axidentally (no pun ment whuddever dat meen, Llewis just say put it in) she lip.<br>
Which she raver hab? A huge harry leggy big ole bleck spyder on she lip or Elwood? See? He sabed she life.<br><br>Ok now dem glesses for da eyeballs.<br>See (ha ha liddel joke dere) durin da nite Brudder E seen a ebil one sneek inna house an pudda liddel bumb on da eyeglesses. All dey he try to figger out whut da ebil won done. Den he reelize dat does liddel nosel pads det reely bumbs. Bumb go off DadPerson gots no nose.<br>
No nose! How he gonna smellt MomPersons fine crockery cookin? How he gone smell E Clara's tailbumbs? How he gone smell dat nize fritofeet smell ob we? Oh NO! We cannot led dis heppin so wonce again-- Elwood so breve an strong it meke my eyes wadder-- oh, MPerson cuttin onyon, nebbermind---- Elwood brevely THROWS heesff at dem glesses an quik as a ... quik as a .....mebbe a hummerberd...unbumb da glesses an eben tho he gots cut a bit Onkel Wayne he SAFE from da blow-ip eyeball glesses!!!<br>
<br>So two breve ax by Brudder Elwood an insted ob neet medal he get yellt at. IS DIS JUSSTISS? no! so send Brudder E all youse cookies an stoff, so he nose we all unnnerstan an lub he. An extra cookies an treets can go to Nigel, Llewis and Conley, so Brudder E not get sikie from too much too good.<br>
<br>Lub an Drool,<br>Cnley<br>Lubs yu. <br><br>Ps Mark da extra cookies "to Cnly only", ok?<br>