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<FONT color=#000000>Hi Droolers,</FONT><BR>
I would like to thank the MANY Droolers and Breeders that responded to my question on Breeding the Basset Hound. I was so<BR>
impressed how the Lovers of Hounds gave me some wonderful advice and how one Breeder took so much time to explain the<BR>
process of Breeding hounds...thank you Sandi. You have all given advice from your hearts and I appreciate it. I do not have<BR>
a female Basset but have the male...in Niagara Falls, Ontario there are no basset breeders here, people wanting to breed their<BR>
females have to go hours out of town to do so. When people see my male is "all there" I get asked about breeding...BUT after<BR>
all the wonderful informative emails I rec'd I will NOT breed my male. He comes from ch. lines and is a wonderful and healthy ~<BR>
even the Vet has made comments about him. I just feel blessed to be a slave to feeding this guy! He has brought more joy<BR>
into my home then I could every imagine....and more Drool than I could have ever imagined!!!!<BR>
Again, thanks for the information, it was a touchy question, handled VERY well...great info and a few laughs too!!!<BR>
AAARRROoooooooo Nancy<BR> <br /><hr />Windows Live Messenger makes it easier to stay in touch - <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9706113' target='_new'>learn how!</a></body>