<div>Dulcie Kielley, Liz Kielley's beloved heartdog journeyed to the Rainbow Bridge a few days ago after a long and brave battle with cancer. Please keep Liz, a stalwart of BROOD in your thoughts and prayers.</div>
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<div>And I received good news today. Geoffrey's lump is an infected sebaceous cyst -- the fine needle aspiration showed no cancer cells. Thank you for all the no cancer drool you sent -- it really works. He's on antibiotics to reduce the infection, which causes him a slightly upset tummy, but he'll be OK.</div>
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<div>We've lost so many beloved kitties in the past few days. Hearthealing drool to Kristi and her daughter on the loss of their cat. Kristi, what a lovely sensitive young woman you've raised. Sadly she has experienced the hardest part of loving and being loved by animals, but I think the good offsets the pain of loss when all is said and done. Drool for Jane on her loss of Molly, and for Linda on her loss of Oliver. I know my Dub-Dub, also a very basset-tolerant kitty will show them all the good kitty treats at the buffet at the Rainbow Bridge.</div>
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<div>Still sending drool for Opie and hoping he continues his steady recovery.</div>
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<div>We enjoyed Miss Angela's beautimous and elegant picture in the calendar even though her employee didn't post the correct picture. Geoffrey, a handsome and sturdy older gentleman hound was most impressed, and wishes to be added to Miss Angela's large list of admirers.</div>
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<div>Wen and Pat -- we're heartbroken over your Jacob's trip to the bridge. You gave him a wonderful life that he never would have had without you. The bassets are sending hearthealing drool, and I'm sending gentle thoughts.</div>
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<div>This is for Bobby "I think I can" Nali. King Bobby, we your royal subjects think you can too. Keep working hard and we'll keep sending drool and I know you'll walk again. We lubs you and think about you often.</div>
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<div>Welcome to Flash Gordon, to Freddie Bumpkin, and to Suzie-Q -- congratulations on having found your forever homes!!</div>
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<div>OK Brudder Elwood, I'm not buying Conley's very imaginative (and quite well-written for him...he's really getting the hang of vowels) tale of what happened with Momma and Daddy. I think you temporarily misplaced your big boy brains. Go find them, put them back in, and stop causing trouble!!</div>
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<div>And speaking of Conley, you can come live with us. We don't have a Conley pot, or a crock pot either. You and Henry would have fun terrorizing our neighborhood!!</div>
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<div>Congratulations to Gracie on passing her obedience exam!</div>
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<div>We're sending sore butt drool to Miss Polly (glad that's all it was) and no-cancer drool to Mazzie -- we know that works!</div>
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<div>And last but not least -- Jonathan I was laughing out loud at your story of rescuing young Miss Lilly in your bathrobe! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>