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My sweet beautiful red and white Ninja basset came roaring down the hall this morning after a quick stop in the bathroom with bulging cheeks. This is my sweet, fastidious, picky basset with a very large kat turd in her mouth. UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never kiss a basset again. And Ninja gives very sweet kisses. I tried yelling to get it out of her mouth. I tried coaxing. I tried nice. Finally I had to be mean. When she dropped it I grabbed her collar and scooped up her prize AAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKK!!!! She was not amused and neither was I. I don't like the cat box. I don't like it that the cats don't cover their treasures. Such a lovely topic. She is sleeping next to me right now. Looking so innocent and so sweet. <BR>
Then, when I got home from grocery shopping, There was a very strong smokey smell, like the fireplace when air backdrafts into the room. I let the houndage out bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt, a certain chubby little hound wouldn't go out. This is a girl who never misses an opportunity to go out and pee or get a conversation going. She had her head in the bag of liver treats which are smoke flavored too. She was going to town on them. I figured that Maggie got them down. And then they were shared. She let me take the bag without a fuss. She is a great gal. She went out then and peed a river. <BR>
I have sweet girls. They really are good natured for the most part. They don't fight over food or treats. They all get really close to me to get a treat. Nobody gets snarky. We are very fortunate. They are good girls. <BR>
We are sending drool to those in need, especially Mazzie and Oliver. We hope things have the best outcome possible.<BR>
Julie with the kitty poo eating, treat stealing very sleepy bassets and the wild kitty boys who supply some of those treats. <BR> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390708/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>