I don't know who started the thing about wishing rescue would do "more" education on responsible ownership, but frankly I do not know of any organization or persons who do MORE for educating future and wannabe owners about Basset Hounds.<br>
I am sure there are some "private" rescues (I have run into a few of these and do not, alas, generally recommend them) that do no educating but simply hand out Bassets with no preparation or interaction with the future home, but the Pros do more intense scrutiny of future homes and do more match-ups than anyone and the real Rescues are always there to help you out with a problem or concern. Considering all these orgs do I cannot imagine expecting them to pay my Vet bills, too.<br>
<br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper.<br><br>