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<DIV>Susan, you have been way too nice already. But because you were so helpful, you are now in kind of</DIV>
<DIV>a spot. I don't think former owners get to know the details of the dog's new life. I think the answer, if</DIV>
<DIV>any, should simply be: the dog is doing fine. If she didn't get details, she wouldn't keep asking. Utah Friends of Basset Hounds recently took an owner surrender and the guy actually called to tell</DIV>
<DIV>us he didn't like the picture of the dog on the website--that we needed to change it. We have owners sign a</DIV>
<DIV>release that they have nothing further to do with the dog. Even if they didn't sign--by their act, they have no</DIV>
<DIV>further right to be involved. I would just nicely respond that Bella is doing fine every time she asks, and</DIV>
<DIV>give her nothing further. As far as bad mouthing you--we had an applicant to adopt a basset with a 7 year </DIV>
<DIV>old unneutered pitbull. I was the one who spoke to her and said we had concerns about the pit not being</DIV>
<DIV>neutered. She took offense and sent nasty emails and told everyone UFBH hated pit bulls and was prejudice and on and on. Since I was the one who actually talked to her, I know what I said, and it was</DIV>
<DIV>definately NOT what she was claiming. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to avoid people like that. <BR>Marilyn Briggs</DIV>