<div>Just to bring everyone up to date again: We are awaiting cytology results on Mazzie to see if she has bladder cancer. She does not have an infection. She does not have bladder stones. She is on amoxicillan just to prevent any infection from all of the instruments that the doctor had to probe her bladder and vagina with this past week at the vets for testing. She is also on prednisone for an anti-inflammatory for the same reason (I guess). I know prednisone can increase water intake and can increase urine output. Anyhow, we put an adult attend on her at night and then a doggie diaper that is velcro and then we attach that with the coated baby pins that are the kind that lock in place. This is so that she does not have to sleep in a crate. She hates being in a crate due to being at the Humane Assocation for so long waiting to be adopted. She cries and cries in it, but only at nighttime. Also, the vet confirmed that her fusion has gotten worse that I would much rather see her be able to stretch out as far as she can as she on the dog couch to sleep at night. THE PROBLEM: she wiggles on the sides of the furniture until she gets the dang diaper off, then she urinates all over the carpet, the pergo, the linoleum. She does not whine to go out. This has been since Wednesday night. She even has gotten up when we are here and leave the room and urinate in the house without signaling to go out. This is from a dog that would excessively whine to say she had to go out before. I need an idea to keep her from urinating on everything. It is cleanable, but it has blood in it and she is dripping blood some days too walking around. I called the vet and he said this is why we are waiting on cytology. The blood is alot less now then it was when we first got her back Wednesday. She does get crated when we are at work so I don't want to crate her at night too. Also, the room with the linoleum gets too cold at night for her to sleep on--it is a live on porch, but not well insulated in the floor area.</div>
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<div>Oliver is on prednisone too, but he is not having accidents in the house nor is he asking to go out excessively. He is on the same doseage also and weighs less than Mazzie.</div>
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<div>Thank you to anyone for ideas.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>DRool to all in need,<br>Dee, <br>Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver, Cooper,& Harvey<br></div>