This morning about 4:30 or 5 (who looks at that hour) the boys want out so I hauled my body out of bed and let them out. Cooper goes out, does what he needs to and comes in.<br>Nigel went out and came in with Cooper, and Llewis wasn't far behind.<br>
<br>I sat on the bed and waited for Conley to knock at the door (he doesn't knock he stand up and shreds the screen on the new door.) And I waited.<br>And I waited.<br>And the boys milled around waiting for their "we came in" biscuit.<br>
And I waited.<br>And I went to the door and looked but he wasn't there.<br><br>So I went into the kitchen and flicked the big spots outside on and looked around the yard from the kitchen window. There are some blind spots but I didn't see Conley. I looked several times, each time a little more carefully than before I and didn't see him.<br>
I went to the door and called softly.<br>No answer.<br>Louder.<br>No answer.<br>Pulled on my muck boots, heart starting to beat a little faster, and got the flashlight. He had to be in the yard, right? Gates are closed, right? I went out and promptly my feet went out from under me and I did a Wiley Coyote run in place before I got my balance. Dropped the flashlight. Ok it works. Jammies and Muck boots-- the height of fashion for the Basset owner.Looked around the yard with the flashlight. No dog. Checked the gates. Closed. By now am freezing and really concerned.<br>
Checked the fence with the flashlight-- no holes. Called. No answer. No sound of skittering feet on the ice. Nothing. It is VERYquiet and dark at that time in the winter.<br><br>I crunch across the yard toward the back thinking he has somehow broken into the Jungle Zone and cannot get out. I walk the fence line with the flashlight, colder and colder, heart pounding. Where the HELL.<br>
Freezing I check the depression where the pond was. He is not in there. I look around. I have the flashlight and the safety lights on and the spotlights on and there is no sign of a dog anywhere.<br>I go get Cooper: "Go get Conley" I tell him.<br>
He comes outside, looks around and wants in.<br>Now I am really panicked. My hands are shaking and the pit of my stomach is grinding away with acid. I am sweating. I go in and get John up. <br>"Conley's gone" I tell him. "I let him out in the yard and he's gone, he never came in, he isn't out there."<br>
He gets up and pulls on his jacket and boots, takes the flashlight and we both go out. No question about it, he is not in the yard, he is gone. Somehow he has gotten out. I come in and put on my jeans and a coat and John comes in and walks past me and glances into my room. <br>
Conley is sound asleep in his crate. I NEVER LET HIM OUT. And he slept through it all.<br>I am not sure whether to kick the crate around the house with the dog in it, or hug him. <br>I settle for letting him out, WATCHING HIM, and bringing him in again. Everyone gets a biscuit and everyone goes back to bed except MomPerson, who is still shaking..<br>
And how has YOUR morning been?<br><br>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper<br><br>I learned that nobody can look quite as disgusted as my husband.....LOL.<br><br><br>