<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><div id="yiv4933247">Deer Unca James, <br><br>Dis bees Olive, HBEaudreux and Ginny, we gots sumfing impordant to say.<br><br>Owr mom jus dropped in, totally unannounced, on one of the Daily Drool (she's so far behind dat she jus desided to open up one). And her started yelling and we say "wat dat's she saw" ? She seyes she read Dat yu, Unca James, is gonna be dopting Miss Belle and turning her into the Belle of de Austin Ball....WOW, dat's all we can say- WOW. We is doin a happy happpy danse all ober dis hawse in Newton..<br><br>Yuz been wifout a bassethoundie for way too long and dere's way too much luv just withering up in yur big old Texan hart. Dat loves been wating for a berry lucky four-legger to come in there and be smofered by all dat love. And now we know dat de lucky girlie is Belle! She
be blessed, dats all we knw. From one wunnderful home, LHOH to another, how blessed can her be? And then, to be excorted from up norf to texas by dem beutiful aunties Kathi and Cathi and Marty, why dat sounds like fun to us! We fink dere is gonna be lots of huggies and snooters and happy fings going on during dat ride. <br><br>So, Unca James, we so happy and prowd dat yu is gettin yu a Belle to luv. Be sure to take pitures an be puttin dem on Facebook or somewhere so our lazy ole mom Pam can find dem, and show dem to us. She been awful slack lately and not hafing time to reed her basset newletters and we feel like we has lost owt on all da news. <br><br>We luv yu unca James and all dem Aunties dat is hewping Belle come live wif you.And pweese tell Auntie Kathi and Cathi and Marty dat we seys Hi and dat we be alive and well in NC, regardless of whether dumb ole mom ever writes notes to da Basset gruop anny
more. <br><br>We be watching for more detales. <br><br>HBeaudreUx, GInny and Olive <br>and by de way, Momperson Pam too. <br><br></div></td></tr></table><br>