I am a slave and I think how great it is when you see houndies being walked. If you are a hound lover it makes you stop what you are doing and just fall all over them dogs, let them kiss you over even knowing where he was sniffing last. Have four year old Maxwell whom we just adore, started looking for a pup for him to play with. Max just plays all the time. Have had coon dogs and Beagles but this guy is the best. Can't see how anybody could miss treat these hounds. Bill from Glenmoore Pa. Hy Lilly and Lucy<br /><br /><p>On Jan 21, 2010, dailydrool-request@dailydrool.org wrote: </p><div class="replyBody"><blockquote style="border-left: #267fdb 2px solid; margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 1.8ex; padding-left: 1ex">Send Dailydrool mailing list submissions to<br />dailydrool@dailydrool.org<br /><br />To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<br />http://lists.dailydrool.org/listinfo.cgi/dailydrool-dailydrool.org<br />or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<br />dailydrool-request@dailydrool.org<br /><br />You can reach the person managing the list at<br />dailydrool-owner@dailydrool.org<br /><br />When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<br />than "Re: Contents of Dailydrool digest..."<br /><br /><br />The DAILY DROOL<br />An internet mail list designed to<br />entertain and inform basset hounds<br />and their people.<br /><br /><br />------------------------------------------<br /><br />----<br />/ \__<br />|\ / @ \<br />\ \_______| \ .: O<br />\ ##| | \__/<br />| ####\__/ \<br />/ / ## \|<br />/ /__________\ \<br />L_JJ \__JJ<br />------------------------------------<br /><br />Daily Drool Website:<br />http://www.dailydrool.com<br />***2010 Daily Drool Calendar***<br />http://www.cecilgraphics.com/DD2010/calendar.php<br /><br />Fundraising Information:<br />http://www.esthermstrom.com/A55B3D/ddFunds.nsf/byGroup?Open<br /><br />Dictionary of Common Drool Terminology:<br />http://mysite.verizon.net/msrandolph/<br /><br />Vote for basset of the week:<br />http://www.dailydrool.com/vote.html<br /><br />Daily Drool Archives:<br />http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/<br /><br />Old Daily Drool Archives:<br />http://oldarchives.dailydrool.org/dailydrool/<br /><br />Today's Topics:<br /><br />1. EARN MONEY FOR BASSETS (Shirley)<br />2. Re: My (soon-to-be) new arrival/Belle moves south (Pam Cline)<br />3. update on Noah, the newest Bounder (Wendie L Prince)<br />4. Drool for Abner (Pam McQuade)<br />5. Nose color (Brenda Weddle)<br />6. Noses (Richlyn Roach)<br />7. Drool to Justin and Jade (Virginia Oliveira)<br />8. Re: Fiber (AnitaW)<br />9. AND MUM WAS WORRIED ABOUT ORANGES??? (Kjersti W. Sorensen)<br />10. Fireber (Beverly Szaton)<br />11. send drool for Rudy (Chris Bly)<br />12. TN Dawg Haws (Cynthia Wells)<br />13. Opie (Teresa Maag)<br />14. Justin , Jade and Lilly (Johnathan Molyneaux)<br /><br /><br />----------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 1<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:22:19 -0800<br />From: "Shirley" <snoozinhounds@earthlink.net><br />To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] EARN MONEY FOR BASSETS<br />Message-ID: <005301ca9a27$699847b0$3cc8d710$@net><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br /><br />Droopy uses igive which is a program that gives money to non profits by<br />people using the internet. All you have to do is sign up to use igive to<br />give droopy a dollar form the igive people. Then whenever you search on the<br />internet we get a cent of two and if you purchase something online from one<br />of the stores we get a percentage also. Please help all you have to do is<br />sign up to igive. No need to buy unless you want to. Thanks for listening.<br />But this is only good for 24 hrs so please hurry.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />FROM IGIVE:<br /><br /><br /><br />Last month, we tried something new to help Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of<br />Western Pennsylvania and all the causes listed at iGive. It worked better<br />than<br /><br />we ever expected. We donated over $5,000 in less than 24 hours, so we're<br />going to try it again!<br /><br /><br /><br />It requires your participation, but it is free and definitely easy.<br /><br /><br /><br />For each person who joins iGive using the special link below and does just<br />one qualified web search on our <br /><br />site between now and noon Thursday, we'll give Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of<br />Western Pennsylvania a dollar. <br /><br /><br /><br />5,000 new members, $5,000. No purchase necessary. That's 5,000 new members<br />for all causes, not just <br /><br />yours, so it's a bit of race.<br /><br /><br /><br />Of course, if these new members search more (or buy something at an iGive<br />store) they'll earn even more <br /><br />money for Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of Western Pennsylvania. Right now,<br />we're donating a special $.02 per search and a <br /><br />bonus $5 for that first purchase plus the usual percentage.<br /><br /><br /><br />Here's where you come in. The only way Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of<br />Western Pennsylvania will get new supporters and that free $1 (or more) <br /><br />is if you invite them. Send your friends, family, and colleagues the<br />following link in an e-mail, tweet it, do a <br /><br />Facebook posting, put up posters, shout from mountain tops (you know the<br />drill) and let them know you think <br /><br />Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of Western Pennsylvania is pretty cool and<br />deserves their support, especially since it's free! You can even just<br />forward <br /><br />this e-mail.<br /><br /><br /><br />This is the link:<br /><br />http://www.igive.com/welcome/warm_reg_promo.cfm?m=573548<br /><br /><br /><br />We're really proud of our search capability, powered by Yahoo! We've made<br />tons of improvements over the <br /><br />past five months, so we want lots of people to try it out and put it to the<br />test. If they keep on searching or <br /><br />shopping after testing us out, so much the better for Droopy Basset Hound<br />Rescue of Western Pennsylvania.<br /><br /><br /><br />The details:<br /><br />- Offer active between now and 11:59 a.m., January 21, 2010 (Chicago<br />time).<br /><br />- New members only (never have been an iGive member previously). All<br />the normal rules of membership, searching, and<br /><br />purchasing apply, our site has the details.<br /><br />- Once we've given away $5,000 in total, the offer ends.<br /><br />- The special link is important. No link, no qualified web search, no<br />$1.<br /><br /><br /><br />That's it. Don't forget to try our search yourself<br />(http://isearch.igive.com). You may need to login first.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Shirley Mueller<br /><br />Volunteer Coordinator<br /><br />Droopy Basset Hound Rescue of Western PA<br /><br /><br /><br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/e075b307/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 2<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 16:58:12 -0800 (PST)<br />From: Pam Cline <pmcline@yahoo.com><br />To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<br />Subject: Re: [Dailydrool] My (soon-to-be) new arrival/Belle moves<br />south<br />Message-ID: <989769.95023.qm@web30004.mail.mud.yahoo.com><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />Deer Unca James, <br /><br />Dis bees Olive, HBEaudreux and Ginny, we gots sumfing impordant to say.<br /><br />Owr mom jus dropped in, totally unannounced, on one of? the Daily Drool (she's so far behind dat she jus desided to open up one).? And? her started yelling and we say "wat dat's she saw" ?? She seyes she read Dat yu, Unca James, is gonna be dopting Miss Belle and turning her into the Belle of de Austin Ball....WOW, dat's all we can say-? WOW.? We is doin a happy happpy danse all ober dis hawse in Newton..<br /><br />Yuz been wifout a bassethoundie for way too long and dere's way too much luv just withering up in yur big old Texan hart. Dat loves been wating for a? berry lucky four-legger to come in there and be smofered by all dat love.? And now we know dat de lucky girlie is Belle!? She<br />be blessed, dats all we knw.? From one wunnderful home, LHOH? to another,? how blessed can her be?? And then, to be excorted? from up norf to texas by dem beutiful aunties Kathi and Cathi and Marty, why dat sounds like fun to us! We fink dere is gonna be lots of huggies and snooters and happy fings going on during dat ride. <br /><br />So, Unca James, we so happy and prowd dat yu is gettin yu a? Belle to luv.? Be sure to take pitures an be puttin dem on Facebook or somewhere so our lazy ole mom Pam can find dem, and show dem to us. She been awful slack lately and not hafing time to reed her basset newletters and we feel like we has lost owt on all da news. <br /><br />We luv yu unca James and all dem Aunties dat is hewping Belle come live wif you.And pweese tell Auntie? Kathi and Cathi and Marty dat we seys Hi and dat we be alive and well in NC, regardless of whether dumb ole mom ever writes notes to da Basset gruop anny more. <br /><br />We be watching for more detales. <br /><br />HBeaudreUx, GInny and Olive? <br />and by de way, Momperson Pam too.? <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/14ba4561/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 3<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 20:17:53 -0500<br />From: "Wendie L Prince" <houndsabound@att.net><br />To: "Daily Drool" <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] update on Noah, the newest Bounder<br />Message-ID: <C93AC5F36FB7434BBA32A4D9C09134E1@SrHoundsabound><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />First off, thank you for everyone who has sent in words of encouragement and drool for him. <br />Noah came home last evening and after about an hour, was introduced to every one. I had everyone in crates before I came home, well all but 4. The 4 out were the ones who would be the easiest for him to meet first, and they were behind the baby gate when we first came inside. SO he met everyone nice and slow. It worked out well for everyone. He hates his cone, and I think he is not the brightest in the pack. He runs into a door jam with the cone and stands there till I come rescue him...you might think he would back up, or turn a little, but no. Thought it was that he was dopey on drugs, but he was doing it today too. <br />He is really doing well, and is such a NICE hound. HE is the same size as my Jacob, who just went to the bridge, and I am wondering if J sent this big boy to me. The not bright part is just like J, and he is almost the sesame weight as J was, feet just as big, Noah is just as long, and I think he might just like sleeping next to me tonight. <br />I have to tell you, I have had several different hounds sleeping with me and for one reason or another, they never stay all night. I think J is kicking them out of bed, waiting for Noah to sleep in his spot. Guess we will see if Noah stays or not tonight! <br /><br />Most importantly, Noah is really doing remarkable. These dogs, well, I would be down for a week or so, if it were me. <br /><br />arooos and drool to all tonight,<br /><br />wen and the Bounders, with Noah(Dang, I hurt all from my head to my netherlands!)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />wen and the Bounders<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/7a303b66/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 4<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 23:15:46 -0500<br />From: "Pam McQuade" <dpmcquade@verizon.net><br />To: "Daily Drool" <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Drool for Abner<br />Message-ID: <000301ca9a50$68f617a0$0301a8c0@pamelansquade><br />Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;<br />reply-type=original<br /><br />I know I haven't been reading many Drools lately, but I'd really appreciate <br />it if anyone with a little spare goo to sling would head some in Abner's <br />direction.<br /><br />For some time he's had what seemed to be a cyst on his little boy stuff. <br />Today one of my vets took a sample and says that it does not seem to be a <br />cyst (which is what his partner seemed sure it was). We are having cytology <br />done on this sample, and we'd sure appreciate some serious drool in his <br />direction so that it doesn't turn out to be something serious.<br /><br />Thanks to all,<br />Pam, food slave to the Dashing Bassets <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 5<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:57:51 -0600<br />From: Brenda Weddle <bweddlern@hotmail.com><br />To: Daily Drool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Nose color<br />Message-ID: <SNT126-W3653950822CB082E10E210AA630@phx.gbl><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br /><br />Some Siberian Huskies have snow noses also. Two of our three do, but I have not had a Basset with a nose that turned lighter. Our Huskies have pink noses in the middle and black around the edges. They call them snow noses because they are supposed to get lighter in the winter. Wahy'a's and Maya's noses stay keep the pink all year round, but Mokiya's nose stays all black. The three Houndettes (Molly, Buttercup and Daisy) have beautiful solid black noses year round.<br /><br />Brenda and the Thundering Herd of Dog Woods Farm.<br /><br />_________________________________________________________________<br />Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.<br />http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390707/direct/01/<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/164f8ce2/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 6<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:15:19 -0600<br />From: "Richlyn Roach" <barmolina@wildblue.net><br />To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Noses<br />Message-ID: <6929D41FC565491DA8DAD67D3FDB0BC6@RoachPC><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />I understand that there are several causes for loss of pigmentation in canine noses. Our sweet Molly had always had a jet black nose until about six months ago. I did a little research and found a website called naturalcanine.com which listed Discoid Lupus as a possible cause and the treatment is aurum pills and sulphur pills (which they just happen to sell). I sent off for some, gave them to her, and her problem went away..... Her poor little (not) nose was not only-- not black--, but it had cracks and sore places on it. She still has little flair ups, but I keep the stuff on hand and give it to her for a week or so and it gets better. They sell a little "kit" which has the two types of pills plus some lotion in it, but I can assure you I couldn't keep any lotion on her nose--(however, it was pretty good hand lotion). Just another possibility.<br />Richlyn<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/0b54595c/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 7<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 01:29:25 -0700<br />From: "Virginia Oliveira" <duda.tuppence@shaw.ca><br />To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org>, <Johnathan.Molyneaux@cfgrp.co.za><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Drool to Justin and Jade<br />Message-ID: <C86EB0B94C75453FBD628F71F70A8C37@DudaPC><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />Hi Everyone<br /><br />Just trying to catch up on the drools I've missed.<br />I was sad to read that Justin had a mild stroke and is having problem walking.<br />Xaxa and Violeta are drooling profusely and are sending them all the way to Justin so he feels better. We know Justin is a senior but we believe he can still enjoy life a little bit more.<br />Please keep us posted on his progress. And we also hope Jade is better from her cold.<br />Xaxa says he also likes to roll in the mud, even if he gets a cold after that!<br />Drool and love to those who need it<br />Virginia, Xaxa and Violeta in Canada<br /><br />\ ______ _<br />[ _____()*\<br />^ ^<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/180b4899/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 8<br />Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 23:05:45 -0600<br />From: "AnitaW" <a.woodrum@sbcglobal.net><br />To: "'An internet mail list designed to entertain and inform basset<br />hounds and their people.'" <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: Re: [Dailydrool] Fiber<br />Message-ID: <970637.30612.qm@smtp105.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br /><br />Thanks for that tip, Tom, I'll try it. My girls love shredded wheat (no<br />frosting) and wheat chex and rice chex. I buy the store brands from Kroger<br />and add some to their food every couple of days, so I'll compare fiber<br />amounts and give FiberOne a try. Every day, not every couple of days. They<br />will be happy doggies.<br /><br />Anita Woodrum<br />a.woodrum@sbcglobal.net<br /><br />I know you were looking for fiber sources for your poor, dieting baby (LOL).<br />I do have a suggestion for that. I was having some anal gland issues with<br />Calypso (ATB) years ago. The Doctor told me to give her a fiber cereal, and<br />specifically suggested Fiber One. He said that it is almost entirely fiber.<br />Yeah, it does cause some extra pooping but will help fill her up with some<br />food that is very low in calories, and may have the unexpected side benefit<br />of helping her express her anal glands more often, which is a big bonus.<br />Only downside is that it is a bit pricey....but I usually put a few spoons<br />on Dinner every nite for Harley and Annabelle. They love it because it is<br />crunchy!<br /><br />Tom, Slave to Annabelle, Harley, and Calypso (ATB)<br /><br /><br /><br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100120/25d8fd35/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 9<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:09:11 +0100<br />From: "Kjersti W. Sorensen" <kjerstiws@hotmail.com><br />To: Daily Drool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] AND MUM WAS WORRIED ABOUT ORANGES???<br />Message-ID: <SNT106-W6F58D6063D43937822C9CB3630@phx.gbl><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br /><br />While mum was telling you about her orange-worries, I discovered an interesting smell a bit out of reach but (remember, I'm intelligent) not completely (my slaves keep forgetting I am very long). Hm! Chocolate 100 g with 86% cocoa! Why bother about the silver wrapping? You should have seen the look on mum's face when she discovered the empty brown box (mind you.... I have some manners). Finally! Attention! I had a basset-kick out of pure joy!<br /><br />She hurried to call the vet who told her to put salt at the back of my tounge to make me vommit, but that was just another interesting taste and I wanted more, so she rushed to the clinic. And would you believe it... they gave me all the attention in the world! I simply loved that! Well, the vommiting wasn't so fun (the smell of chocolate covered the whole town...) but I simply loved that black coal stuff they gave me several bottles of, and whenever they listened to my heart I just rolled over and begged for more belly-scratching, which made it impossible for them to concentrate. My puls was so high the vet told mum it was the worse chocolate poisoning they had ever seen. Hey ... it was just the attention that made me so excited! Though the vets report said 'extremely layed-back and completely unaffected', my puls was over 180 while it should have been 80. <br /><br />Now I am just a bit tired! I had to drop the doggy-day-care center, which was disappointing. But my slaves mumble something about storing stuff further away from me, and expenses... (they have had to buy two new mobiles the past two months because I discovered how fun it was to make sounds and lights .. not to mention the remote-control to the house-alarm... wow! what fuzz! Why are you so embarrassed when you call the alarm-company, mum?) ... what's that got to do with it? They've got me!!!<br /><br />Gustav Beowulf of Norway<br /><br />_________________________________________________________________<br />Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail you.<br />http://www.microsoft.com/middleeast/windows/windowslive/see-it-in-action/social-network-basics.aspx?ocid=PID23461::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-xm:SI_SB_3:092010<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/f8f89743/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 10<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 06:29:34 -0600<br />From: Beverly Szaton <bgszap2@gmail.com><br />To: Daily Drool <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Fireber<br />Message-ID:<br /><2f397a281001210429t673f092cw8e735018b397d81c@mail.gmail.com><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />Dis Conley (OEBE Conley Scissorpaws)<br /><br />Lass nite Mprson mekin she seff a liddel fing callt kaysaydelia. She bin<br />eetin dese. Haff a tortoise (poor fing. I awways thot dey were a bit<br />differmint lookin not flat an floppy an I thot dey libed in wadder not da<br />big white box...awways sumfin new.)<br />Enyways it parrta she dieyet. Hef a tortoise wif panspray not da good ymmy<br />oils, an a dribbel cheeze an a hamful ob green yunyons an she almoss burnt<br />it ebber time.<br />Sometime she add odder stoff.<br />So she doone dis an added sum greenie stoof.<br /><br />Bean da counnder crooser par yexsellent dat I are I chekd out da counner she<br />go answer da ringy fing an I fine a liddel teeny tiny itty peeceob green. I<br />finkin dis da fiber yall bin tawkin about so I snarked it down.<br /><br />WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, CONLEY!!! Bat moob.<br />Da tong it afire! Da mouf like somewon stuk a ... burnin stik init. I<br />starts tryna git it out it too late my froat burnin Ise runnin tryna git<br />away but MPerson grabbt me an mede me drink sum milk whut helpt. I shakin<br />and whimprin. My tummy mekin not heppy noise. MomPerson teke me ousside an I<br />urp and urp and urp up all da milk an stoff. Ise shekin. She brung me in put<br />me onna DadPerson lap an wrapt a warmmy towel roun me. I musta felld asleep.<br /><br />MomPerson say it were a hot Hollopeenie pepper I et. A piece ob won. I gone<br />be more careful when she mekin dem dam kaysaydelias frum now on. Whooo. Whut<br />a ride.<br />Nigel say I juss a liddel wuss. We see bout dat next time he counner croose<br />an she mekin dose fings...<br /><br />Where dat truck, enyways. Sum days I fink I needs it.<br /><br />Luv to ebberboddy<br />I lubs yu<br />Conley (OEBE Conley Scissorpaws.)<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/28ce2470/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 11<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 07:17:05 -0600<br />From: "Chris Bly" <jbly1@kc.rr.com><br />To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] send drool for Rudy<br />Message-ID: <6D694EAF36E347B38AF684BA62EDD1A6@christin458a6c><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br /><br />We have a sick little Basset guy on our hands. We cannot figure out what is going on with him. Rudy has had such a hard life and he is always wagging his tail always anxious to please. Even when things seem at their worst we look at him and know everything will be okay. He is a survivor making the best out of the worst. He came to us because he was heartworm positive and no one would adopt him from the pound. He was thrown out of a car into the WalMart parking lot on Christmas eve. He was taken to the pound by a woman who saw him being dumped and Western Missouri Basset Rescue got a call from the city pound saying they have a Basset with heartworms and would we take him because no one will adopt a dog that is going to cost them $450.00 to get treated. We got Rudy just after Christmas the year before last and treated him for heartworms. His teeth were in horrible shape and we got them cleaned twice in the year but the canines kept getting infected so we had them removed just b<br />efore Christmas this year. He licks himself like cat so he got an infection in the roof of his mouth from hair collecting there. Now we had him back to the vet to get the hair removed from his teeth just this past Tuesday and now he will not eat and when he drinks he vomits and he is having diarrhea. He is such a little guy we are worried this might be the end of him. I am going to take him back to the vet today as soon as they open. Please sling some drool toward our rescue for Rudy. <br />Chris Bly <br />Western Missouri Basset Rescue, Inc. <br />wmbri.org<br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/95da601f/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 12<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 06:36:46 -0800 (PST)<br />From: Cynthia Wells <cyndi.wells@yahoo.com><br />To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<br />Subject: [Dailydrool] TN Dawg Haws<br />Message-ID: <361530.21139.qm@web112112.mail.gq1.yahoo.com><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii<br /><br />Howdy Powks! Lotsa heelin drroools to dose in needs! Dis be Sister Suzie. I been peelin kinda down last coupla dayz. Mee doin da homeopathic heartworm an not bee peelin on me game last pew dayz but me hangin in. Me wuz peelin jus a bit better dis mornin. Me needz ta git back on me game so's me can keep me Brudder Blue Boy in line. He startin ta tink he in charge agin. Anywayz me puts him back in place soon as me gits back on me toe bonz agin. I likes readin bout dem OEBE's but me dun tink me eber be one a doze. Me is too nicey nice and polite an all. Well I bee talkin to ya'll laterz. Lub Sister Suzie, Brudder Jaggie, Brudder Egan, Brudder Blue Boy, Brudder Skipper (atb) and Momslabe Cyndi<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 13<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 09:13:30 -0500<br />From: "Teresa Maag" <MaagT@pg.noacsc.org><br />To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Opie<br />Message-ID: <WC20100121141330.626397@pg.noacsc.org><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br /><br />I have been looking for an update on Opie and hope I haven't missed it. <br />Sandi, how is our little baby Opie doing? You must tell me what vet <br />hospital took care of him, cause I live about an hour or so south of you and <br />if there would be something like that happen to my boys, I will know where <br />to go.<br /><br />Thanks<br />Teresa<br />Rowdy<br />Deuce <br />Yukon atb forever in my heart<br /><br /><br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/26572af5/attachment-0001.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />Message: 14<br />Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:01:21 +0200<br />From: "Johnathan Molyneaux" <Johnathan.Molyneaux@cfgrp.co.za><br />To: <dailydrool@dailydrool.org><br />Subject: [Dailydrool] Justin , Jade and Lilly<br />Message-ID:<br /><AE137DC6AB6CF5428D412AFA77061FEE016FBA1F@NTCFGEXH1.ad.postoffice.co.za><br /><br />Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br /><br />Good afternoon all<br /><br />Healing drool to all in need<br /><br />This is Justin woofing in for his sisters we are sending get well drool<br />to The Maestro and congratulations to Miss DixieChick and<br /><br />Bazzle on acquiring there OEBE status. On Tuesday night I could not<br />believe my cotton picking eyes I looked out of the lounge<br /><br />Window from my couch and there was William standing by the next door<br />neighbors fence, with Johnathan on the other side in the neighbors yard,<br />the next thing I see is ,Johnathan picking up Jade and handing her over<br />to William. I was so worried one of them would drop my sister. The<br />outside gates were not speaking correctly to the motor and started<br />opening and closing, and eventually seizing altogether with the gates<br />shut. Because of the spikes and height Johnathan could not climb over<br />the gate with Jade or walls, they phoned next door neighbor and asked if<br />they could come over and jump over there wall. They also have high<br />fencing and gates on street entrance bur there is an area inside were<br />the wall is only 1.5 meters high. The people who did the installation<br />were at Action Cricket and only arrived after 22.00 to fix the problem.<br />When they left they told us we would no longer have a problem. Our<br />dinner was served late. Last night I almost took slave William out after<br />he tried to stop me from taking my sister Lilliy's food for some reason<br />or other I was not given my food first and I was not going to go<br />without. The slaves should realize that I still rule the home with an<br />iron paw and should always be served before the girls and them.<br /><br />Pw Justin now that I am feeling much better I will be keeping the<br />sisters and slaves in check.<br /><br />Jade it was all very confusing arriving home over the wall instead of<br />the gate.<br /><br />Lilliy only the 21/1 and the year has already been very interesting,<br />looking forward to the next 11 months.<br /><br /><br /><br />-------------- next part --------------<br />An HTML attachment was scrubbed...<br />URL: <http://lists.dailydrool.org/pipermail/dailydrool-dailydrool.org/attachments/20100121/dfc02700/attachment.htm><br /><br />------------------------------<br /><br />_______________________________________________<br />Dailydrool mailing list<br />Dailydrool@dailydrool.org<br />http://lists.dailydrool.org/listinfo.cgi/dailydrool-dailydrool.org<br /><br /><br />End of Dailydrool Digest, Vol 94, Issue 11<br />******************************************<br /></blockquote></div>