Dis Conbley OEBE <br>MomPerson sez she gtta do sunmfin bowt da front door.<br>Juss now she opent it ta get da male an BOOM ousside I runs FREEFREEFREE<br>an she yelln at me I goes runnin down da street<br>an sunnly Ise on my nebbermines slidddddin an yousenosewhose rite behiney me maddrn eber wif MR COOPER rite wif she!!!<br>
Wowsie tawk bout a fass trip home! I neber bin scoopt beke inda hawse quiit so fass wif Mr. Cooper mekin snarlies too.<br>I gone be in da crate I fink but beefour I gots a quesshun<br><br>How come Mr.Cooper gedda go ousside suntime wiffout leesh an I dont? (An he gots to stop an pee I hadda just get da whatchacallit BummerRush inna door MPersons eyeballs cracklin an snappin.....<br>
<br>Oh well youse cant win if youse nebber tries.<br><br>Lub an Drool to all in need<br>Bloos removal to Auntie Debbie<br>Lub<br>Conley OEBE C.Scissorpaws<br>