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<div style='padding:0 0 10px 0'><font face='font-family:segoe tv,Arial,Verdana'>HEAR YE,,,,,,,HEAR YE!!!!!!<br> We here at the Castle take great pride in announcing our new BABES.<br> "SOPHEE MAREE" is to be known from this date forward as "Royal Care Giver To Mom Slaves".<br> We here at the castle look forward to Her first visit at the Gala Induction.<br> Her slave is the honorable "Karen".<br>Once again Congratulations Sweet Houndie,<br>I Remain As Always,<br>L. L. <br>Lovely Lucy<br>( Official Anointer/Appointer of Titles & Duties for Her Royalness Queen Bess)<br> <br></font></div>