<div>Dog 1 gets on the bed. Lays down at the head of the bed.</div>
<div>Dog 2 comes in, sees the bed. Dog 2 gets up on the bed, crowds dog 1 and stares.</div>
<div>Dog 1 lifts his head, doesn't move, stares back.</div>
<div>Dog 2 gets down.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Dog 2 returns.</div>
<div>Dog 2 gets on bed, crowds Dog 1, stares and gets a verbal warning from the Head Honchette.</div>
<div>Dog 2 stops staring, turns head.</div>
<div>Dog 1 has not moved a muscle</div>
<div>Dog 2 gets down.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Dog 2 returns and gets on bed. </div>
<div>Dog 2 stares at Dog 1. </div>
<div>Dog 1, who is at the head of the bed, gets down.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Dog 2 gets down.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Everyone sleeps someplace else.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>MomPerson to Dog 1, Dog 2, Llewis and Cooper</div>