<div>AHA! Of course Drool is needed.Drool is ALWAYS needed when one or another is on the yukky list, whether one thinks it is serious or not!</div>
<div>Good heavens, to deny DROOL!</div>
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<div>So here is QUICK HEALING Drool for Elder Clara, Keeper of the Flame, Owner of the Teeth, Dictatoress of the Household</div>
<div>Here isCALMING drool for Aunt Debbie and Uncle Wayne, who certainly need a break.</div>
<div>Here is some BETTER WEATHER Drool.</div>
<div>And some FEWER CAR WRECKS Drool.</div>
<div>And here is some generic GOOD AND HAPPY Drool just for good measure.</div>
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<div>Love from Nigel, Llewis, Conley & Cooper</div>