<div>No ear infection drool for Ms. Beasley and for Elsinore. Hope they heal up quickly!</div>
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<div>Happy 12th birthday Miss Penny. It sounds like you had a wonderful day!</div>
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<div>Drool for Ruby and her sore tummy.</div>
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<div>Happy birthday Miss Coco. Karen, I'm so sorry you got bad news from Piper's test results. Hope you have as much good time with her as possible.</div>
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<div>Welcome to all the new BABES!</div>
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<div>Happy 11th birthday Flash. Your cake sounded delicious!</div>
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<div>Val, we're glad so far so good with Bo, and are sending healing drool that he will continue to heal with no complications.</div>
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<div>Congratulations Willow on achieving your OEBE status.</div>
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<div>We're sending hearthealing drool to Bill on the loss of his foster Sherlock.</div>
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<div>Regarding worn front teeth. Geoffrey's front teeth were terribly worn. My regular vet suggested that I bring Geoffrey to the vet dentist "the next time he's due for a dental". I brought him this summer. He had to have 11 of them out! The dentist showed me the x-rays -- many had exposed nerves. Once he recovered from the extractions he was truly like a different dog. He was much happier. I didn't realize how much pain thay had caused him, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get them taken care of. Had I known I would have done it much sooner. I thought they were worn from chewing on a cage but the vet said it was due to excessive grooming. Dog fur has the same ingredient in it that sand does, and it just wore them down.</div>
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<div>Hearthealing drool to Doug's son and his family on the loss of Doug's grandbeagle.</div>
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<div>Welcome Amazing Grace. What a lovely story. Kathi, it was a miracle, and I know God brought her to you because he know you would care for her.</div>
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<div>Drool for Sasha. Thank you Susan for giving this baby one last wonderful weekend before her trip to the bridge. I am so sorry.</div>
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<div>Happy birthday Hailey!</div>
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<div>And drool for poor Kahuna. Hope you're on the mend soon. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB)</div>