<div> Ms. Beasley saw the vet again on Friday and there was good news and not so good news. The good news is that the ear looks nice and clean...YIPPEE! The not so good news was that her anal gland on the left side is still infected, even after the round of Cipro, so Doc gave me a 7-day Z-Pac antibiotics to give her and before she left, she gave the first dose. Well, Doc had only been gone about 30 mins and Beas vomited, then about an hour later she vomited again. I thought little about it, just figured it was a slight reaction to the meds. She got better, ate her dinner and slept well. Saturday morning I gave her another antibiotic and sure enough, about a hour later she vomited, three times. I had some tums and gave her one, watched her the rest of the day and we both fell asleep at midnight. At 5am I awoke to horrendous sounds coming from her belly and she started to make that urk urk sound, so I got her outside where she promptly threw up several times. By this time I decided not to give her anymore of the z-pac and waited to a decent time to call my vet. When I did hear from her, she told me I did the right thing by not giving her any more pills, she believes its a reaction to them also. She advised me to take up her water and food and give her another dose of the tums. She told me to cook up some hamburger and rice and if she is better, give her small amounts four times a day. So, I have done that, giving her the first little bit of dinner at about 6pm, she has kept it down and I don't hear anymore sounds from her belly. Right now (Midnight here in MI) she is fast asleep in the bed behind me, snoring and that's quite a comfortable sound to me. </div>
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<div>I appreciate all the emails and advice I have gotten from Droolers. I love this group and know you will listen when I need some advice, sometimes my family just rolls their eyes when I talk about Ms. Beasley. I just remind them that I promised my late sister Mary that I would take care of Ms. Beasley and I know she would understand. </div>
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<div>I hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day and thank you to Holly Noelle for the lovely present! </div>
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<div>Ruthie Beattie & </div>
<div>Ms. Beasley Ann BABES Royal Caregiver (Mama, I don't want anymore pills!) <br></div>