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<div>Dis Brudder Elwood. Da Brudder bee a watchin all da happininz ob me home whut be on da strange side. Fingz not rite. Me deyz been upset. Brudder Elwood a hound ob da habit, an me habit all outter whackz. I tellz you liddel storie.</div>
<div>It be Momma. She outta da groobe. She ain't a comin an a goin like normalz. She ain't a actin normalz whut didn't teke much, but dis now a problum. Why ebbry mornin she used to git me bowl, she go do whutebber she do wif dem wrecked up carz, she come back to me home, run up da stairs do da poundin on da workin puter until me dinner time. Brudder Elwood used to dis, I git me rest, clean me crate, straighten out me woomenz picsures, youze know, new one on da door ebbery month--</div>
<div>Well, Momma workin only at home rite now, an a lookin like whut she be a lookin like, dis good, but my hebbins, whut heppin to da haredooze, an da face paint, an why I been a seein dat same shirt whut be me Daddy's on herz fur couple weekz now. She go up to da wurkin room, she come down she git food. She drag back up dere. She come back down, she lookie in da cookie jar whut she dun ate all ob dem, she git in da white box, she git more food an she drag back up da stairs. Bout da time I git me peeperz closed, here she come, she in da white box agin. Dis wooman a wearin out da Brudder wif all dis food gittin. </div>
<div>Brudder Elwood git me courage up. Say Momma youze a lookin like Elder Clara's tailpipe. why youze dun ate da home. When youze gittin out ob here, why iffin youze keep dis up youze not gonna fit in da car, why you gonna gib new meanin to da wurd waddle. Youze rumpbonez a spreadin out far an wide. Youze gotz a goozle unner youze chin. Dem hairz unner youze snooter bout hangin to youze lipperflapz. Momma youze lookin ruff.</div>
<div>Brudder Elwood now be a finkin I needz to learn da art ob da feeness stuff. Youze know keep me chopperz shut. </div>
<div>Momma a hittin da road in couple deys, bout da same time I git me tail outta me earflap. Life git back to normalz. Da white box gotz no more food. Shez got ta go.</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need</div>
<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=black size=2><FONT face=arial color=black size=2>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake <br>
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Get Elder Clara's Cookbook today Support Senior Houndsabound </div>
<div><A href="http://www.elderclaraeats.biz/">www.elderclaraeats.biz</A> </div>