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I am way behind on drools as usual, but we want to send drool to everyone in need and special heart healing drool to everyone that has lost a loved one to the bridge. I do light a candle every time I see someone has lost a furbaby to the bridge. <br>Chloe the kitty went to the doctor (again) Friday and finally has a clean bill of health so thank you to everyone for sending drool to my girl. We got a 4 month old kitten from a local rescue last Wednesday and Wulfie is in lub. He follows the kitty everywhere, if he can't see the kitty he cries. He doesn't want to go outside because the kitty doesn't go outside, he does his business and cries to come back in. He sleeps with the kitty, cleans his ears etc. It's adorable. Thankfully the kitty likes Wulfie I can't imagine if he didn't. <br>Yesterday we had an adventure, I took the dogs out in the morning and we were coming back inside. I have a small deck (more like a large porch) and the gas grill is next to the door. Wulfie kept trying to go by the back of the grill. Thankfully I had most of his leash in my hand so he couldn't get there. I couldn't see anything and he wasn't whining or barking just pulling really hard. So I told him Inside in the mom voice and he gave up I opened the back door and glanced to the left and holy cow there was a possum behind the grill. A big one. So I said Oh my God and went in and said it a couple more times. Gunter walked past it like there was nothing there. I grew up in Chicago, the only time I've seen (or want to see) a possum is in the zoo. Boy was I freaked lol. He left that afternoon and we haven't seen him back but you can bet I check there before I open the door to go out now. <br><br>Sorry this is so long,<br>Kim with Gunter (what's a possum)? Wulfie (where is my kitten and what is that thing on the porch)? and introducing Ninja who weighs less than two pounds and can kick the 60 pound bassets off the couch with his kung fu kitty moves :-)<br> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469230/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>