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<div>Oh My Dog! It is such an effort to cut all my hounds nails....two really don't care but the other three you'd think that they were being tortured! In any event with the snow so high and the walk still icy I found myself in quite the dilemna because they all needed their nails trimmed - I tried that PediPaw, whatever it's called and they all hated the sound, the same with a Dremmel, well I couldn't stand the tic, tic, tic on the wooden floors anymore so I took up a fellow droolers advice after searching through the archives and placed peanut butter on a piece of wax paper and taped it to the bathroom wall where each dog got a turn to lick the peanut butter while they were getting their toes done....Dang good idea! Worked for all the bassets, however the beagle wasn't too keen on the idea so I can handle her down my icy slope and she'll go tomorrow! Thank you - now they can go back to being stealth counter surfers!</div>
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<div>Emily and the Gareis girls, Maggie (I really hate my nails being trimmed), Bailey (if you give me peanut butter it's ok), Trixie (not sure what the big deal is, but now that peanut butter is involved I'm in), LaVerne (ditto what Trixie said) and Princess (No Way! It's a trick! Don't come near me with those nail clippers!)<br>
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