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Elvis a sweet 11 1/2 yr old hound has been living with us for about 19 months now. I have known him since he was 2 1/2. He was my mom's- I was 'basset-sitting' him and his sister the day his back 'gave out'. After a few days at the vets they told my mom to put him down- there was no hope. Surgery was never mentioned. It may or may not have helped, we don't know. I took him home as others on the drool gave me hope. Now 19 months later- he still can't walk. He can move everything- sometimes can take a few wobbly steps on his own. He can walk if I hold his tail. Not hold him up by the tail- just hold his tail. It's not a perfect walk- his legs sometimes cross or flip, but he does ok. He is a happy go lucky kind of guy. Sweet as honey who just wants love. As we live in a snowy area- during the winter he becomes mostly a house-dawg. He wears belly bands as he can't fully control when he has to go pee or poop. By the time he knows he has to go- he's going. For him- it's like there is a loose connection somewhere- everything works- just not exactly as it should.<BR>
My reason for writing is to let those of you facing something like this know-a basset can lead a happy life without the use of his back legs. Elvis does not have pain anymore. The first three months were tough- I didn't know if I was prolonging his life or his agony. His personality was another deciding factor. He is sweet and tolerant of all he went through. Another basset who has since left for the bridge- would not have been able to do this. Elvis does have a set of wheels to use- we rarely ever use them. Too big in the house and he can't lie down while in them. Outside at home I prefer he drag himself to exercise the parts that do work. He can get around amazingly fast when he wants to! <BR>
It is is not easy- there are many puddles and piles to clean up- and not always on the floor. Who can say no to those eyes when they want to get in your bed?? Lots of hauling of basset butt around here- but hey exercise is good for me right? At the end of the day the love given by him makes it totally worth it- but it is not for everyone. Just something to think about for those of you facing these decisions.<BR>
droolies, Angelika and Elvis<BR> <br /><hr />Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469229/direct/01/' target='_new'>Sign up now.</a></body>