<div>I have a seven year old grandaughter & my youngest basset hound does not like children or any body else but our 3 family members---I crate him when ever she comes over. And he barks/growls for awhile and then shuts up. He sleeps in the crate when I am at work, (door open} so it is not really a "punishment". I have tried everything to get him to "accept" (and I had him before she was born)---but he gets a "different" look in his eye, when he looks at her. He will attempt to lunge at her, while on leash whem she tries to talk to him the many times we have tried to "make it work"--I have even used a soft muzzle-------but my grandaughter is scared of him, so we no longer try-----I am sure he would bite her---but I take NO chances---He stays locked up, except to go potty & I spend some time with him alone when she is here more then a day. He also refuses to eat when she is here. Other then that is is fine with me.</div>
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<div>bassetmomx2. Augie, Yankee (the youngest), and Loafer </div>