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<DIV>Utah Friends of Basset Hounds recently started giving their own Bordatella and DHLPP to try and save some money-- I was elected, as I had injection experience from having a diabetic dog. So I talked to the</DIV>
<DIV>vet a lot, and researched a lot. The one and three year are exactly the same. And if you get a smig of the</DIV>
<DIV>bordatella up their nose, it is probably enough, as the dose is the same for a 2 lb. dog as a 150 lb. dog.</DIV>
<DIV>When I questioned that one the vet looked at me almost with amazement and said she just had a flu shot,</DIV>
<DIV>as did her son who weighed half as much--and they were both the same dose. Same thing with people. </DIV>
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<DIV>Anyway. If the dog comes from a shelter, or is very young, it is a one year rabies--if it is an owner surrender with a vet record of up to date (or pretty close) vacs, it is a 3 year. The logic is building up the dog's immunity. If they have had many rabies injections in the past, it has apparently built up in their system. If we don't know the dog's history they are assumed to have never been vaccinated and they start from square one. If they have any health issues at age 12 or over, this particular vet thinks even rabies is not necessary if the dog has had regular vaccinations in the past. Same thing for DHLPP. We had some dogs that showed due in year and some in two or three. I couldn't figure that one out until I asked, but same thing, they have built up their immunity. </DIV>
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<DIV>We have started including vaccination records with our adoption contract. I worry that a dog may just recently have had vacs before he is surrendered or picked up by animal control and ends up at the shelter. We pull him, and have him revaccinated, as we have no records (including rabies). Then he is adopted</DIV>
<DIV>and the new owner does the right thing and gets a check up and vaccinations immediately. The poor</DIV>
<DIV>guy could get vaccinated 3 times in a month, which I think would be very bad. </DIV>
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<DIV id=signature class=signature>Marilyn Briggs</DIV>