<div><font style="font-family: times new roman,times,serif; font-size: 12pt">
<div>Ok, I have been laughing on and off all day. I turned my
wonderful drool calendar over this morning and just laughed out loud,
not because of Elder Clara who I think is the most precious hound, but
of her expression and Brudder Elwood in the back ground. To me it
looks like the Brudder was walking behind her and she left one of
those legendary gas bombs and he drops over on the spot and she is just
laughing. Debbie, I love your stories and it's the highlight of
my day to open the drool and see a message from you. You
truly know how to tell a story and you can always make me
laugh out loud.</div>
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<div>Happy gotcha day Clara, and my all your wishes come true!</div>
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<div>Yukon atb forever in my heart<br />