<div>We hope all of our furiends in New England are safe and dry. Rocky of Attleboro -- it was so good to hear from you; it's been a very long time. My husband and I take the train up to Boston quite a bit to visit our daughter and every time we pass through Attleboro he always asks me how "Rocky of Attleboro" is? I told him last time I was worried because I hadn't heard from you and Clyde in a while.</div>
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<div>Drool to the Minnesota Basset Brigade -- hope all 6 of you get high marks on your check-ups.</div>
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<div>Laura, I remember when Kroozer came to you to escape the Florida thunderstorms. What a wonderful 10 months you have given him. I have no doubt that he beat the doctor's odds because he wanted to stay with you. I'm so sorry his time is near. Your heart will tell you the right thing to do. I'm sending gentle thoughts.</div>
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<div>Happy Gotcha Day to Pw. Elder Clara (and Daisy too). Even on such an important occasion as your Gotcha Day that pesky Brudder Elwood has to annoy you (imagine putting his neberminds into such a lovely portrait of you!) Hope you get lots of treats!</div>
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<div>Candy wrote me offline and Higgins has aspiration pneumonia from inhaling his vomit. He is doing well (probably better than Candy who is an understandable wreck), but we're sending get well drool until we know he's safe and 100% again.</div>
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<div>Drool for the doxie babies (I guess they're "duppies" if basset pups are "buppies") and their parvo.</div>
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<div>Poor Schroeder -- what a horrible trip to the vet. Sounds like Mom has had better days too. Hope you both recover soon.</div>
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<div>DeAnn, I was heartbroken to hear that Gracie Mae had to go to the bridge. You gave her a wonderful last few weeks, and she's waiting for you free from pain at the Bridge. I know she will send another basset boy or girl your way when you're ready.</div>
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<div>Happy birthday Kylee Dawn and Katilynn Skye!</div>
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<div>Maureen -- it is always better if the food you feed your dog has meat as the primary ingredient rather than cornmeal. I'm sure lots of people feed their dogs Iams with no problem, but it's easier to ward off problems if you're feeding the animal a high quality food. Look through the archives -- a number of good foods are listed in various posts. This week mine are eating Merrick canned food until they decide that they don't like that and make Mommy switch. They are spoiled rotten but I love them dearly.</div>
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<div>Laura (Geoffrey, Henry, Molly, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>