<font color="#6666cc"><font size="4"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><b>AAAARRRROOOOO!! hehehe...Arfur heer. I hope awl ov yu had a gud hollyday. Owrs wuz Easter, owr fwends had Passover. So whutever it wuz I hope it wuz gud for yu. Owr two legged brother Craig came and he brot red taters fer dinner. Mama only cukked enuff fer them to eet. Hmmph! Well, I fixeded that! Dis mornin' fer bwekfast, Vito fownd da bag ov red taters. He taked wun and ran into da dining room. No buddy notissed. So me, I got my hed in da tater bag an' helped my self. Wif reelly bad luck, I gotted cawt runnin' past mama (I shudda nown better!). She sed whut do yu have, Arf? Look! Heez got a tater (I fink she sed Poe tay toe) and she tuk it away frum me. Then she sez "WATE!!" He has more!!" An' she pulled owt anudder tater frum my mowf. Now da furst wun, she sed leev it an' I dropped it. I kep da udder wun finking she wud not see it. RONG! That wuz it fer me...but then she went, hmmm...Vito ran in da udder room...an' she went to luk. Dere he wuz, haff finishhed wif his tater. An' dats whut she got...haff ov it. Steelin' gets no rewards heer. Now sheez back to her mark hitting plans. What, Hugo? Oh...mark etting...whutevver dat iz. He iz havin' a liddle trubble tawkin' cuz he gotted two toofies pulled. Whelp, bye fer now! We ar sendin' drool to evwybuddy who needs it. <br>
Chat wif Arfur at <a href="mailto:Arfur.sings@gmail.com">Arfur.sings@gmail.com</a> enny evenin'. <br><br>Arfur, Hugo, and Vito wif Lady hu iz gettin' preddy settled.<br><br clear="all"></b></font></font></font>Blossom <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?50296">www.dogster.com/?50296</a><br>
Hugo <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443659">www.dogster.com/?443659</a><br>Arfur <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443631">www.dogster.com/?443631</a><br>Vito <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/804728">www.dogster.com/dogs/804728</a><br>
<br>O Great Spirit, grant that I might not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. <br><br>Help feed the animals <a href="http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_040208_ARS">http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_040208_ARS</a> <br>
<br><a href="http://www.freekibble.com">http://www.freekibble.com</a><br><br>A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes.<br>Unknown.<br>