<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Listen up and listen closely. <br>You CAN NOT go wrong with Moon Doggie Coffee not now, not in the future, not in a million years. <br>It is by far the very best that has ever crossed my lips and caressed my taste buds. I know coffee. I drink coffee and lots of it. So did my cowboy Gaylon and he would attest to it's wonderfulness if he could.<br>Oh and maybe while you are ordering you might send Donna an email and inquire about a fine Texas blend. Perhaps you might be lucky enough to snag a pound or two.<br>Just so you know, Donna has no clue about my ravings tonight on the Drool about da coffee.<br>Sooooooo, Sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell her. But buy some, you won't be disappointed;<br>I promise and iffen you are I'll buy what you have left.<br>Cathi, Sam B. Sad, Buddy (ATB), Angel Marie, Boudreaux and all the wannabe a.k.a. The Waterway