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ONCE I put dog treats in a totally incongruent place - an upstairs closet - and never did again - til the day we moved from California, Winnie (ATB) always sat in front of that closet looking hopefully upwards....<BR>
ONCE one dog did not digest a Greenie and another of my Bassets got a Greenie-filled poopsnickle to snack on. Now they never miss a poop, just in case there is a piece of Greenie in one, even tho we have not fed Greenies in a LONG time....... <BR>
EVERY DAY at precisely 5 p.m. (well, sometimes at 4:45) all 5 dogs start to get antsy and bug me to feed them.....<BR>
EVERY TIME someone comes to my house they let me know if that person is OK or not. They all loved Tom Schreck. They all hate repair people who are planning to charge their mother too much.....<BR>
DESPITE the fact that I poke in their ears, give them meds, take them to the vet, empty their anal glands and give them baths, they love me unconditionally and are loyal to their last drop of drool...<BR>
Now I ask you, are bassets smart or dumb?<BR>
<BR><BR><A href="http://resku.homestead.com/">http://resku.homestead.com/</A><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU , BASSETKU and RESKU!</FONT></EM></DIV>
<DIV>\ ______ _<BR>[ _____()*\<BR>^ ^ <BR></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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