<div>We're so glad Elmo's eye ulcers are gone and the bubbles look like they're not going to erupt.</div>
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<div>We're terribly sorry Ruger had a seizure -- it must have been so scary for you Michele.</div>
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<div>Good luck Conrad with your hydrotherapy sessions. I know a lot of dogs, including our own King Bobby "I think I can" Nali have had a lot of luck with hydrotherapy.</div>
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<div>Candy it's so good to hear Higgins' lungs are clear -- that Drool is powerful stuff!</div>
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<div>We're so glad Rugie's Dad saved him from bloating in time.</div>
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<div>The hounds are sending gentle journey and I'm sending warm thoughts on Karen Sommerfield's passing. I think I hear the barking of the dogs at the Bridge now greeting their beloved friend and protector.</div>
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<div>And last but not least we hope all of our friends have a wonderful Boardwaddle! We're moving in two weeks so can't come, but are STOMP, STOMP, STOMPING for no rain! Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>