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I am putting this through for Debby- she had some difficulties getting it in. If you want to reply privately please note her email addy below.<BR>
Thanks- Angelika<BR>
From: dmcalli457@aol.com<BR> To: dailydrool-request@dailydrool.org<BR>Subject: Re: Requesting Feedback on Armpit (Yes I said Armpit) Issue<BR> Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:52:31 -0400<BR> <BR> <BR> Hello All, <BR> <BR> Gus is 7yrs old. Healthy happy and a brat! LOVE HIM Silly...<BR> However he has arm pit issues, especially the left one. He gets <BR> baths on a regualr basis, super good food and only hypoallergetic treats.<BR> But he licks and licks and get red the part he can reach and kinda <BR> yeasty (actual area in the pit itself).. i put corn starch in as<BR>a kinda absorbent and that works as they lick it right off and not make em sick<BR> Any thoughts as to the WHY they get this OR it is just a Basset <BR> thing along with other fun stuff? I know the area does not get much air.. LOL Only makes him more basset smelling faster, which does not bother me.. but<BR>well ya know..<BR>
Thanks for any advise - <A href="mailto:dmcalli457@aol.com">dmcalli457@aol.com</A><BR>
Debby, Gus and Hunter (not a bassett but LUV my brother)...<BR> <BR><BR> <br /><hr />The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?tile=multiaccount&ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_4' target='_new'>Get busy.</a></body>