<font color="#6666cc"><font size="4"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><b>We have been droolin' like crazy for all the sad sad fings goin' on. <br><br>To help make peeple feel a liddle silly for a minnit, I have bin werkin on my nex' book. It won't be awl songs like da wun now, but dere will be a fyoo songs an' yu can see dem on my blog at <a href="http://www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com">www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com</a>. I don't awlways get to rite evry day, but try to. An' sumtimes a song hits me an' I just hav to rite it down. If yu wud like to help rescue (Mid Atlantic Basset Rescue and House of PUddles) and laff a little too, yu can get my current book for $20 plus shipping [$2 US] (PayPal accepted) two ways: go to my blog page and click the order page (you can also see a list there of some of da houndies in my book) or yu can email either my mama or me at <a href="mailto:arfur.sings@gmail.com">arfur.sings@gmail.com</a> and I wiww get rite bak to yu asap as fast as my big ol' pawsies wiww type. OK? Now remember yu wud be helpin' houndies wif no homes an' wif big doktor bills an' stuff too.<br>
Hope to heer frum yu soon! Oh, an soon yu will hav da chance to win a book an a matchin' coffee mug ov me, Arfur da awfur. hehehe Stay tooned.<br><br>Arfur T. Leadbottom<br>wif my mommy Beff (Beth) and Hugo, Vito, an' Lady, too.<br>
<br><br clear="all"></b></font></font></font>O Great Spirit, grant that I might not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. <br><br>Help feed the animals <a href="http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com">http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com</a><br>
<a href="http://www.freekibble.com">http://www.freekibble.com</a><br><br>Visit Arfur at <a href="http://www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com">www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com</a><br><br>Blossom <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?50296">www.dogster.com/?50296</a><br>
Hugo <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443659">www.dogster.com/?443659</a><br>Arfur <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443631">www.dogster.com/?443631</a><br>Vito <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/804728">www.dogster.com/dogs/804728</a><br>