<div>Kim, </div>
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<div>first of all, please know we are sending drool...all that we can. Secondly, did the vet mention anything about keeping her 'quiet'. Does she use a crate? We have had two dogs go thru this and usually one of the first recommended actions is confinement to a smaller, quieter area. No jumping off of things. Perferably no or few steps too. Also, if no crate, then one of those x-pens or play yards to spend some time in if she is overactive and needs quiet time. If you've discussed this then using the internet you can search out plenty of info on canine back problems. Hopefully, given time and meds things will improve. I am sure plenty of droolers will have additional info and advice for you also.</div>
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<div>Good Luck and keep us posted.<br><br>-- <br>Drool to all in need.<br>Luv and Kissies too.<br>Pwincess LilyGurl, Rudy- Protege to the pwincess, and the rest of the entourage<br><br></div>