<font color="#6666cc"><font size="4"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><b>We have three basset boys and a foster girl all unrelated, all arriving at different times from different places. Hugo is the oldest and he has always gotten along with everyone. He is probably somewhere between 11 and 13 years old and really acts it. He came nearly six years ago. Next is Arfur who came four years ago with many issues, but with training and encouragement has turned into our host and greeter (although loud). He is 5 years old. Next is the young upstart, Vito, who is two and challenges all the others, though he really gets along with all creatures except cats (though that is changing - the Pippicat is training him well). He is just very energetic and playful. He came here 1 1/2 yrs ago. Lady is six years old and is a goofy, playful and peaceloving girl. She has been here for five months as a foster, and it looks as though she will be staying. They all live together in peace. I do not tolerate nastiness and they honor that. We have had a couple minor tussles between Arf and Vito due to Vito challenging for the top spot, but those have passed. Arfur tolerates anything from Vito. The most amazing thing is seeing them all ride in the pickup - three in the back, one in the front. We go through a drive thru and no one even realizes we have four hounds in the truck. The same with camping. I walk two at a time and people often think we only have two. It was more difficult with only one or even two than it is with our three, and now four. Any number beyond that is just not good for me. Some days four is a lot, but on the whole, they enjoy one another. And when one does not feel like playing, another steps in - with the exception of Hugo, who just won't be bothered any more. We have had visitors who do not blend and they clearly were not meant to stay. Strangely enough, no matter their personality, they do tend to work things out among themselves. Ours do not even fight over food, though we have always enforced a "my space, your space" mode of feeding. Hugo and Lady eat together in the kitchen - they basically ignore each other and concentrate on dinner. Vito prefers his crate, so we honor that. Arfur eats in the same room as the crate, but does not venture near it or harass Vito. Everyone knows their place and they do not invade the space of the others. Works even in the camper where we are crowded together because the same rules apply. All in all, it comes down to how you interact with your pack. And maybe your pack is just one - or two because it is what you manage best. The best way to know is to foster. Good for you, good for the rescue, good experience for your hound(s) as well. Can't hurt to try. And who knows? Maybe you'll like having a pack.<br>
Beth<br>Slave to Hugo, Arfur, Vito and Lady (& Blossom atb)<br><br clear="all"></b></font></font></font>O Great Spirit, grant that I might not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. <br><br>
Help feed the animals <a href="http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com">http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com</a><br><a href="http://www.freekibble.com">http://www.freekibble.com</a><br><br>Visit Arfur at <a href="http://www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com">www.arfurtleadbottom.blogspot.com</a><br>