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When we first got our 2 female littermates we had several people say to us "why did you get sisters - you know they won't get along when they are older". I had never heard this before and started to worry. I mean there was ALOT of people saying this to me. <BR>
They are well over a year old now and they couldn't be any closer to each other than they are. They are best friends. Their personalities are as different as night and day, one is outgoing, the other shy. They eat together, sleep together and even though they may be in separate rooms at times, they KNOW where the other one is! And the best part of all is how they play together, so much fun to watch. They are so entertaining, what I did before them I can't remember!<BR><BR>
Jodie <BR>
Flash and Maggie<BR><BR><BR>                                            <br /><hr />30 days of prizes: Hotmail makes your day easier! <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9729705' target='_new'>Enter now</a></body>