<div>"They" say bad things happen in 3's. Hopefully our close call fire last night can count as the 3rd and no other droolers will be affected by fires from here on out. That said, the fire didn't happen at our house, all bassets are fine, no need to worry. </div>
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<div>But my 86 y/o grandmother who lives with my dad attempted to boil water last night on the stove. Apparently she may be losing some of her senses more than we thought though because she attempted to boil said water on said stove in a PLASTIC dish. After putting the "pot" on the stove she headed into the garage to do some laundry and returned to find the kitchen on fire. Luckily not much damage was done. The so-called pot melted to the stove and the built-in microwave above the stove melted also, but Grandma was able to get the fire out on her own and was not injured in the process. Well maybe her pride was, but physically she is ok. My father, not so much. He is now a nervous wreck about leaving her alone and told her she can only cook using the microwave while remaining in the kitchen the entire time she is cooking. He even went so far as to remind her that metal cannot go in the microwave....seems common sense but then again so is not cooking on the stove with plastic. </div>
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<div>Overall everything is ok, we are just very grateful that grandma and the house were ok. I thought about the Honnolds and Pauls all night. Hopefully this is the last case of fire-bad-luck for droolers and their families. We continue to send drool to the Honnolds and Pauls.</div>
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<div>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert</div>