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So even though he has not officially arrived, I believe I am a foster failure.<BR>
Bruno is joining our pack from Helping Paws Humane Society tomorrow. We just had our home visit and the inspecting rescue volunteers thought they had died and gone to Basset heaven. My guys all seemed ok with him and are passed out all around me on the floor now that he has left. He will arrive as our foster dog tomorrow afternoon.<BR>
Here is the real story - The Colonel is out of town on Army duty and gets in tomorrow night. So I want him to feel like he has a say in dog #6 - HA - you and I know that I out rank him and Bruno will be ours. But I am telling The Colonel that we are fostering him so he can feel like he helps in the decision to adopt his latest son!<BR>
But here is my question for all of you - they say he is 5 months old - neutered 2 days ago - but he looks much more like 14-16 weeks to me.....he has only lost a few teeth - his mouth is full of shark teeth that I seem to recall start to go at about 4 months and are all gone by 6.......since he has only lost a couple, can I not assume he is less than the 5 months the rescue thinks he is?<BR>
I may be out of my mind but this little guy was from a BYB and rejected by the neighbor who bought him since he 'was getting too big' at 23 lbs (supposedly - I don't think he weighs that much) and they wanted a little dog. Their loss is my gain is what I have to say!<BR>
<BR><A href="http://resku.homestead.com/">http://resku.homestead.com/</A><BR>
<DIV><EM><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive">GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU , BASSETKU and RESKU!</FONT></EM></DIV>
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