<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:Courier New,courier,monaco,monospace,sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Dear Precious Drool Friends,<br><br>I am slowly in the process of sending you individual notes, until then I would like to update you a little about what your overwhelming generosity has done to help us get back to the new normal.<br><br>First, we have semi-settled into a rental house. It is old but comfortable (kind of like Carl and me) and will be fine for us as we begin the rebuilding process. <br><br>Second, because of you. . .we are clothed, have shoes on our feet, underwear and p.j.'s in our closet and a washer and dryer to keep them all clean.<br><br>Because of you. . . we can brush our teeth and wash our hair and have towels and wash cloths to use. <br><br>Because of you. . .we have new mattresses and sheets and comforters to use at night.<br><br>Because of you. . .the
livingroom is furnished with a new Basset proof leather couch and chair, tables and lamps, throw pillows and a bookcase to hold the wonderful things you have sent to us and books to read and songs to sing. (Arfur, of course)<br><br>Because of you. . .I have dishes and glasses in the kitchen cupboard and food in the refrigerator.<br><br>But most of all. . . because of you I have hope again. I have prayer and encouragement and advice and hand-holding that has pulled me up from my knees in the ashes and set me on my feet again. You have provided for our souls as well as our physical needs.<br><span style="font-style: italic;"><br>(sorry I seem to have hit the italics button and don't know how to cancel it, this is a borrowed computer)<br><br>Little did I know when I started looking for Basset information after getting Hollyberry that I had stumbled into a world of caring folks for whom it is not only about the dogs but about their beloved slaves. May
you each receive triple-fold that which you have shared with Carl and me and my family.</span><br><br>May God bless and keep each of you and your houndies,<br>Maggie Honnold<br>Hollyberry (ATB)<br>Noah (ATB) <br> <br></div>