<div>Hearthealing drool to Belinda on her loss of Molly and to Mary Ann and Stella Belle on their loss of Cori Vette. We're so sorry for your loss.</div>
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<div>Way too much healing drool to slobber about this week, but don't worry the houndies are up to it. Healing drool to Watson, to Trixie (so glad you're doing better -- you hang in there), to Colbi, Chilliepepper, elder Clara, Stan, Bosley, Janie Anne (the special "no cancer" kind), and for Chumley. Hope you all feel 100% soon.</div>
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<div>Welcome Silly Lilly and congratulations DeAnn. We know Gracie sent this little bagel to you to be loved.</div>
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<div>Happy belated birthday Miss Annabelle Lee (hope your chicky was good) and Higgins.</div>
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<div>Welcome back Zebby and welcome to Mostly a Basset.</div>
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<div>Kacy, we're so glad your dad and grandmother are OK, and the fire damage wasn't too terrible. That's very scary. Your dad may need to look into stove knob locks or something like that.</div>
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<div>Kim, thank you for making Simon's last hours special and for all you and rescuers do. </div>
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<div>Douglas, I'm so sorry about Charlie. Maybe try giving him a Benadryl before bed? And I hope your hip surgery goes well next week.</div>
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<div>It was so good to hear from King Bob the dog. We're so proud of how hard you worked to get better. We are still sending drool that you stay well. We lubs you Bobby!</div>
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<div>Becky, what a terrible scare Morse gave you. I'm glad he was OK.</div>
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<div>And finally Jonathan, so sorry for your bites and for Jasmin knocking poor Justin down -- at his advanced age he doesn't need that. I hope Jasmin settles down and can stay. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>