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Us Tana gurls be doin da happy dance dat Elder Clara's bloodwork is normal. Yoo jus keep firin on awl dem pistons yer highness. We will keep droolin whether ya need it or not. And as fer yer momslave and da doc, tell em to take a cupple of margrets and call YOU in da morning!<BR>
Annie Belle and Jennie Mae<BR> <br /><hr />The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?tile=multiaccount&ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_4' target='_new'>Get busy.</a></body>