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<div>I think I have Cooper's twin...Rowdy is an absolute mess
during a storm. He pants and drools so much I think he is either
going to stroke or die of dehydration. I have tried absolutely
everything and nothing helps. I too agree that there isn't a piece
of food out there he would eat during a storm. You
could cook him his own steak and throw him
a party and he will not even give it a sniff. He was in
such a panic last night, and it was just heat lighting, there wasn't even
thunder. He will just sit there and watch for it. I have to put
him in another room so I can sleep otherwise it's up all night with a
panting drooling basset that you can't console. He would crawl into my
skin if he could get in there. Please let us know how Cooper does
with the thundershirt, cause if he does well, then I can hope that Rowdy
will do the same since they are identical in reaction. I will wait
until the rescues get them so I can order from them. He never
used to be scared, and I don't know why over the past 3 years he has become
so frightened. I use Benedryl if I know it's coming ahead of time, but
we get pop up storms here in Ohio.</div>
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<div>Rowdy(I need a drink)</div>
<div>Deuce ( ZZZZ what storm?)</div>
<div>Yukon( I feel ya Rowdy...I had the same problem...atb forever in my
heart)<br />