<div>Healing drool for Monte's scrotal hernia (glad surgery went well; hope you make a quick recovery), for Bubba's sore leg, for Maggie's antibiotic resistent UTI, to Milo the kitty, for Harold with melanoma of they eye, Tinkerbelle and her swollen eye, Pearl and her pancreatitis, and for Morse and his sore paw. Special "no cancer" drool for Morely; it worked for Janie Anne (hooray), and hope it works for you too.</div>
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<div>Happy gotcha day Roscoe. Happy birthday Radar and Daisy Mae!</div>
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<div>Welcome home to Colt and Ruger's Daddy. We're so glad he returned safely and want to thank him for his service.</div>
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<div>And finally heart healing drool to Linda on the passing of her former fosters Harry and Winston to the bridge, and to their forever families. Laura (Geofffrey, Molly, Henry, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>