<div>Hi - itz mee Homer and my brudder Bobbers...Mommy read that article about how owr doggy moufs are full ob germies...Every nite when mommy gets home from werk, the firstest fing she does is get kisseys from Bob - I mean him gibs big ol fwenchies and kisseys from me. I prefer to gib liddle nugs on her lippers. Anyway, her says that she isn't goin ta quit kissin us and nuttin has kilt her yet. The onliest time her wont kiss is when bob has ate turdies and he likes hims turdies alot...he eats kitty turdies out in de yard..I don't ob course, it is gwoss...</div>
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<div>Lubbs to all</div>
<div>Homer ob da West & Brudder Bob </div>