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Shelby has been home for a couple of hours and is whining on the couch. If someone puts her up there, she likes sleeping next to mom. Nic is taking good care of her. He can pick her up and give the illusion that she is light as a feather. She came through the eye shot and the tumor(what they called it after) with flying colors. She is very disoriented. Her parting shot to the vet was to get 6 inches out the door and pee for a good 5 minutes on the doormat. That will teach them. She has a big shaved spot and stitches in her side. I hope she can get used to walking around by feel. Right now she just wants to sit where she is. She has been airlifted to the door but is afraid to go out. The ramp will have to have rails put on soon so she doesn't fall off the sides. <BR>
I hope this is the end of her troubles for a while. She has had enough. <BR>
Julie with the girls<BR>
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