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<div>This was posted on another list with permission to cross post. It doesn't <br>say this in the post below but the van owner is Sue Ellen Hooper. Carol <br>Rabago whose Phone # is listed below is one of the dogs owners</div>
<p>> Permission was given to crosspost this from Facebook. URGENT! <br>> Our Vallhund friends had their van stolen in WICHITA<br>> FALLS, TX this morning at 9am, with their 7 dogs in it. They<br>> were on their way to the SV specialty in Flagstaff. White<br>
> Toyota Sienna, TX plates. 5 Vallhunds, Norwegian Elkhound,<br>> Beagle puppy. Please crosspost and forward, Carol is a<br>> contact at 512-799-7976. Please crosspost.<br>></p>
<p>Hope the dogs are found safe & Sound...so scary</p></font></font>